Upcoming Offerings

North West College of Homeopathy

Vanessa will be a guest instructor sharing Snake Venom Remedies, Miasms, and COVID

Sunday June 1st, 2025

Stockport, England

For complete information, contact info@nwch.co.uk


Society of Homotoxicology Annual Symposium

Vanessa will be presenting on

Saturday June 7th, 2025

Cavendesh Conference Centre, London, England

For complete information, contact lectures@sochomotox.co.uk

The Venom Medicine Practitioner Course

Do you want to bring the power of Snake Venom Medicine to your community? Our newly updated on-demand Venom Medicine Practitioner Course is now available online. Deepen your knowledge and enhance your practice. This program is for practitioners, homeopaths, as well as anyone interested in learning more about these healing remedies.

The Eight Extraordinary Vessels -

Guided Group Course

Are you ready to heal yourself? Join our 10-week online program to explore the Taoist and Classical Chinese Medicine perspectives on the Eight Extraordinary Vessels, the essential gateways through which energy creates matter. These vital channels are key to creating and maintaining balance in your entire being. This course is your guide to restoring and rebalancing your energy systems, empowering you with the tools to maintain health and well-being. 

The journey begins on March 5th and runs through May 7th, taking place every Wednesday evening from 6-8pm MST.
Cost: $500


Eight Extraordinary Vessels- An Ancient System of Realignment

Give Yourself the Gift of Health
Begin the New Year with a 12-week Healing Journey
Starts on Thursday, January 18, 2024 till April 4, 2024
Weekly Meetings on Zoom from 6-8pm Mountain time

As we know, everything begins with energy and the invisible forces of life that are known as Heavenly Chi in Chinese Medicine. This life force is foundational and fundamental to anything that manifests. Our bodies are created from this Vital Essence. The physical world is an expression and final manifestation of what this energy has created. Because matter is born from energy, the current state of your health begins in this non physical realm.

Learn more about these Extraordinary Vessels and how you can take charge of your health and balance all your organs and systems. I’m offering a new program that will teach and guide you through a deep healing process. This provides a way to regulate, balance, reorganize, and redirect life energy as it forms into matter and creates your body.

This program is offered in 3 formats: Group, Individual, or Self Guided

Group Sessions
One time

1 hour weekly Zoom Sessions with 30 minutes of instruction and 30 minutes of Q&A. Starts on Thursday, January 11, 2024 till March 28, 2024 from 6-8pm Mountain time.

One time

One on one guidance and training with Vanessa . Meet 8 sessions every 2 weeks starting also January 2024

What's included in this program:

  1. Weekly or bi-Weekly meetings on Zoom to receive training and support

  2. A Manual - Your guide to each vessel, its indications, function, point combinations, treatment strategies and point locations.

  3. Videos that instruct and demonstrate all point locations

  4. An experienced practitioner and community to support your healing

Watch the 8 Vessels Presentation Replay Below to Learn More

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Eight Extraordinary Vessels Presentation + Q & A

Join us to explore the Eight Extraordinary Vessels and how you can learn to treat yourself.


 As we know, everything begins with energy and the invisible forces of life that are known as Heavenly Chi in Chinese Medicine. This life force is foundational and fundamental to anything that manifests. Our bodies are created from this Vital Essence. The physical world is an expression and final manifestation of what this energy has created. Because matter is born from energy, the current state of your health conditions and disease begins in this non physical realm. 
Treatment of The Eight Extraordinary Vessels provides a way to regulate, balance, reorganize and redirect this energy as it forms into matter. Previously treatment on this level has been provided in person by a trained acupuncturist. Since the pandemic I have noticed a severe depletion in many patients in their Kidney Essence and what is called Jing that has created an obstacle to complete recovery.
We can work to create change and healing once things have manifested (which we refer to as the Branch) by changing our diet, cleansing, using herbs, remedies and other physical modalities. But it is much more efficient, and now even more necessary, to go to the Root and work with the Invisible. We need to change the energy that creates these physical limitations and problems.

In order to meet the ongoing demands on our health I’m offering a program that will teach and guide you through a deep healing process. Join me for a free Zoom presentation on Tuesday, November 14, to get all the details about this ancient system of realignment. 

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Venom Medicine Practitioner Course

This program is for practitioners and homeopaths as well as anyone interested in learning more about the use of these remedies for healing. Participants are expected to be familiar with the basic principles of homeopathy.

Venom Medicine utilizes homeopathically prepared remedies from snake venoms. They provide  a natural way to treat the symptoms of acute Covid, resolve long haul, VAX injury and the effects of shedding that are now effecting millions of people worldwide.

Venom Medicine Practitioner Course
One time

Access to the Venom Medicine Practitioner Course

Venom Medicine Practitioner Course (Members & Affiliates)
One time

For Self Heal Members and MTIH Affiliates Only

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Monthly Q&A Session for Members

Monthly Q&A Session for Members

Join me to explore topics and modalities offered by The Self Heal Center. Other current and relevant information will be shared based on your questions and interests.

Possibilities include:
Traditional Chinese Medicine, Homeopathy, Shamanic Healing, Jin Shin Jyutsu, Neural Therapy, The Sedona Method, Biofield Tuning, Miasms and Hereditary Influences, EAV Testing, Principles of Biological Medicine, Pleomorphism, Diet and Nutrition, Rife Technology, Conscious Breathwork, Dowsing and Muscle Testing, Venom Medicine, How to safely detox, Long Haul CV, Homotoxicology and The Seven Aspects that Influence Health.

All sessions will be recorded and made available to Members.

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Venom Medicine Practitioners Course

Venom Medicine Practitioners Course

Cost $100.00

What we will cover:

  • Introduction to The Venom Remedies

  • Key Notes for Crotalus, Naja Trip, Bothrops, Vipera, Bungarus, Rabinsin and Lachesis

  • Potencies

  • Proper Storage

  • How to Antidote

  • Testing for Correct remedy, potency and dosage

Please read and view all content under Homeopathy as well as the Members Section / Venom Medicine

Watch Release and Renew Webinar Replay

Participants will get access to previous class video

Invitation to join our ongoing group for support, to share findings and Q&A

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Power of Eight Intention Group

Power of Eight Intention Group

Offered by donation

Experience the power of intention and how to tap into your capacity for connection and healing. Receive support to create better health, achieve money and career goals, heal relationships and manifest your life‘s purpose.

  • Suggested reading - The Power of Eight by Lynn McTaggart. This book reveals her findings from decades of research and experimenting with groups about how group intention can heal our lives and change the world for the better.

  • www.LynnMctaggart.com

  • Watch : How to Conduct a Power of Eight Group

Ongoing group meets from February 22- April 30. This weekly group will meet on Wednesday evenings from 7:00pm-8:30 pm Mountain Time.

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Power of Eight Intention Group

Power of Eight Intention Group

Offered by donation

Experience the power of intention and how to tap into your capacity for connection and healing. Receive support to create better health, achieve money and career goals, heal relationships and manifest your life‘s purpose.

  • Suggested reading - The Power of Eight by Lynn McTaggart. This book reveals her findings from decades of research and experimenting with groups about how group intention can heal our lives and change the world for the better.

  • www.LynnMctaggart.com

  • Watch : How to Conduct a Power of Eight Group

Ongoing group meets from February 22- April 30. This weekly group will meet on Wednesday evenings from 7:00pm-8:30 pm Mountain Time.

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Shamanic Journey Group : Spring Equinox and New Moon in Aries

Shamanic Journey Group : Spring Equinox and New Moon in Aries

Suggested Donation $20-$50

Here are some things to have with you for the sessions:

  • A Sacred Object

  • Candle and Smudge

  • Notebook or Journal and Pen

  • Drum or Rattle

  • Scarf or Eye Covering

  • Blanket

  • An Open Heart

Shamanism is a path of direct revelation and the oldest earth based spiritual practice known to exist. A regular journeying practice helps us to further our personal growth and evolution. Please join me to connect with the powerful energy of your spiritual support and gather together with like minded people.

Journeying is a skill we can all learn and use to access spiritual strength, insight and healing directly from our Helping Spirits.

Whether you are new to Shamanic Healing or have some experience you are welcome to participate. These online sessions provide an opportunity to connect with your inner wisdom end guidance, access healing and reclaim your power.

Visit our Shamanic Healing page for more information.

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Power of Eight Intention Group

Power of Eight Intention Group

Offered by donation

Experience the power of intention and how to tap into your capacity for connection and healing. Receive support to create better health, achieve money and career goals, heal relationships and manifest your life‘s purpose.

  • Suggested reading - The Power of Eight by Lynn McTaggart. This book reveals her findings from decades of research and experimenting with groups about how group intention can heal our lives and change the world for the better.

  • www.LynnMctaggart.com

  • Watch : How to Conduct a Power of Eight Group

Ongoing group meets from February 22- April 30. This weekly group will meet on Wednesday evenings from 7:00pm-8:30 pm Mountain Time.

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Monthly Q&A Session for Members

Monthly Q&A Session for Members

Join me to explore topics and modalities offered by The Self Heal Center. Other current and relevant information will be shared based on your questions and interests.

Possibilities include:
Traditional Chinese Medicine, Homeopathy, Shamanic Healing, Jin Shin Jyutsu, Neural Therapy, The Sedona Method, Biofield Tuning, Miasms and Hereditary Influences, EAV Testing, Principles of Biological Medicine, Pleomorphism, Diet and Nutrition, Rife Technology, Conscious Breathwork, Dowsing and Muscle Testing, Venom Medicine, How to safely detox, Long Haul CV, Homotoxicology and The Seven Aspects that Influence Health.

All sessions will be recorded and made available to Members.

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Power of Eight Intention Group

Power of Eight Intention Group

Offered by donation

Experience the power of intention and how to tap into your capacity for connection and healing. Receive support to create better health, achieve money and career goals, heal relationships and manifest your life‘s purpose.

  • Suggested reading - The Power of Eight by Lynn McTaggart. This book reveals her findings from decades of research and experimenting with groups about how group intention can heal our lives and change the world for the better.

  • www.LynnMctaggart.com

  • Watch : How to Conduct a Power of Eight Group

Ongoing group meets from February 22- April 30. This weekly group will meet on Wednesday evenings from 7:00pm-8:30 pm Mountain Time.

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Venom Medicine Practitioners Course

Venom Medicine Practitioners Course

Cost $100.00

What we will cover:

  • Introduction to The Venom Remedies

  • Key Notes for Crotalus, Naja Trip, Bothrops, Vipera, Bungarus, Rabinsin and Lachesis

  • Potencies

  • Proper Storage

  • How to Antidote

  • Testing for Correct remedy, potency and dosage

Please read and view all content under Homeopathy as well as the Members Section / Venom Medicine

Watch Release and Renew Webinar Replay

Participants will get access to previous class video

Invitation to join our ongoing group for support, to share findings and Q&A

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Power of Eight Intention Group

Power of Eight Intention Group

Offered by donation

Experience the power of intention and how to tap into your capacity for connection and healing. Receive support to create better health, achieve money and career goals, heal relationships and manifest your life‘s purpose.

  • Suggested reading - The Power of Eight by Lynn McTaggart. This book reveals her findings from decades of research and experimenting with groups about how group intention can heal our lives and change the world for the better.

  • www.LynnMctaggart.com

  • Watch : How to Conduct a Power of Eight Group

Ongoing group meets from February 22- April 30. This weekly group will meet on Wednesday evenings from 7:00pm-8:30 pm Mountain Time.

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Monthly Q&A Session for Members

Monthly Q&A Session for Members

Join me to explore topics and modalities offered by The Self Heal Center. Other current and relevant information will be shared based on your questions and interests.

Possibilities include:
Traditional Chinese Medicine, Homeopathy, Shamanic Healing, Jin Shin Jyutsu, Neural Therapy, The Sedona Method, Biofield Tuning, Miasms and Hereditary Influences, EAV Testing, Principles of Biological Medicine, Pleomorphism, Diet and Nutrition, Rife Technology, Conscious Breathwork, Dowsing and Muscle Testing, Venom Medicine, How to safely detox, Long Haul CV, Homotoxicology and The Seven Aspects that Influence Health.

All sessions will be recorded and made available to Members.

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Shamanic Journey Group : Imbolc 

Shamanic Journey Group : Imbolc 

Suggested Donation $20-$50

This Sacred Time marks the halfway point between the Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox. It represents the first stirrings of life, a time of new beginnings and purification. It marks the beginning of the end of winter.

Here are some things to have with you for the sessions:

  • A Sacred Object

  • Candle and Smudge

  • Notebook or Journal and Pen

  • Drum or Rattle

  • Scarf or Eye Covering

  • Blanket

  • An Open Heart

Shamanism is a path of direct revelation and the oldest earth based spiritual practice known to exist. A regular journeying practice helps us to further our personal growth and evolution. Please join me to connect with the powerful energy of your spiritual support and gather together with like minded people.

Journeying is a skill we can all learn and use to access spiritual strength, insight and healing directly from our Helping Spirits.

Whether you are new to Shamanic Healing or have some experience you are welcome to participate. These online sessions provide an opportunity to connect with your inner wisdom end guidance, access healing and reclaim your power.

Visit our Shamanic Healing page for more information.

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