
What is Homeopathy?
Homeopathy is a therapeutic system of healing developed by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann in the nineteenth century. Homeopathy utilizes minute amounts of botanical, mineral, and other substances to stimulate the body’s self-healing abilities. Conventional medicine believes that symptoms are caused by the illness. Homeopathy views symptoms as the body’s natural reaction to fight an illness, and seeks to stimulate them rather than suppress.
At homeopathy’s theoretical base is the concept that “like cures like.” This means that a substance given in large crude dose will produce specific symptoms. But, the same substance administered in minute doses will stimulate the body’s reactive processes to remove those symptoms.
There are over two thousand homeopathic remedies available. Any substance can be used homeopathically but most remedies are taken from natural sources. Remedies are created by breaking the crude substances down into minute quantities through dilution and then shaking them vigorously to activate them. Once administered the remedy will stimulate the immune system and natural defenses of the body. Homeopathic remedies do not cover up or suppress symptoms. There are no toxic side effects.
Homeopathy was first used in America in 1832. The American Institute of Homeopathy was established in 1844 and by 1910 there were twenty-two homeopathic medical schools, one hundred homeopathic hospitals, one thousand homeopathic pharmacies, and fourteen thousand homeopathic physicians.
Unfortunately, homeopathy did not continue to flourish due to the growth and bias of the American Medical Association. Homeopathy had been largely replaced by allopathic (traditional Western) medicine by the end of WWI. However, homeopathy has grown worldwide. India, Great Britain, France, Italy, Germany, Greece, Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, and South Africa all sustain many homeopathic practices Each year homeopathy becomes more popular in the United States.
Homeopathic treatment, like all truly natural therapies, seeks to stimulate the innate healing power of an individual so all physiological systems function at their best and the body’s natural curative powers are mobilized. Homeopathy works effectively on a wide variety of acute and chronic conditions, including infections, allergies, gynecologic difficulties, digestive problems, etc. It helps prevent future trouble by increasing an individual’s strength and resistance.
Guidelines for Homeopathic Remedies:
Aromatic balms, cosmetics including lip balm, Ben Gay, Vicks, Heet, Campho-Phenique, Tiger Balm, Noxzema, Caladryl, and some lip sticks, nail polishes, and heavy perfumes.
For example, mint toothpaste & mint tea.
This includes caffeine products such as Coke, Pepsi, and other caffeinated sodas. If you do drink coffee or have contact with camphor, continue the treatment. Since these substances do not always antidote homeopathic remedies, do not assume they have created any problems unless you personally experience them.
Try to avoid the following…
This includes antibiotics, marijuana, cigarettes, steroids and medicines. All of these substances will neutralize the effects of a homeopathic remedy.
Alcohol has no effect on homeopathic remedies.
Heat & Light
Prevent remedies from exposure to sunlight or other intense light, temperatures higher than 100 degrees Fahrenheit, or odors of camphor, mothballs, perfumes, or other strong smelling substances. Avoid storing them where such substances are kept, even when the remedies are tightly capped.
Handling and Storing Homeopathic Remedies:
When removing the remedy’s bottle cap, be careful not to contaminate it by bringing it into contact with anything.
Replace the cap in the shortest time possible. No strong odors should be present in the room when the bottle is open.
Keep all remedies in their original containers – Remedies should never be transferred to any other bottle that previously contained other substances.
Never open more than one bottle at a time in the same room – Cross-potentization may result if this precaution is not observed.
If a remedy does become contaminated – Simply replace it.
Allow an interval of 15-30 minutes before or after ingesting food or liquids when taking.
Homeopathic remedies maintain their strength indefinitely when handled and stored properly.
Further reading related to Homeopathy:
A Biological approach to illness and health.
A method of disease prevention that is safe, natural, and currently used in many countries.
Based on the principle of Like cures Like or The Law of Similars , we can see a clear match between what snake venom remedies treat and and what people are currently experiencing..