Miasm Project

A Biological Approach to Illness & Health

The Miasm Project has developed from my 50 year practice of natural medicine. It emerged from a need to effectively treat complex chronic illness which is so prevalent in our world today.

Addressing genetic tendencies we have inherited can have a huge impact on our health. If we clear these underlying tendencies we don’t have to keep repeating the same patterns over and over. If not eliminated, it will persist throughout a person’s life and can be transmitted to others, especially to our partners and children.

The basis of this work comes from Samuel Hahnemann MD in 1828. He founded Homeopathy,  and dedicated the last 10 years of his life developing the Miasm Theory, treating chronic illness with great success.

He determined that chronic illness arises from this deep inner susceptibility that Hahnemann called MIASMS. It is the underlying cause of all disease.

MIASMS are energetic states that reflect dominant unresolved states of consciousness.

External causes can only bear fruit in the fertile soil of a Miasm foundation, which creates the predisposition to particular disease states. Hahnemann identified them, each with its own characteristics. To him, chronic illness refers to an illness that seems to have been cured but came back in a new form. The life force had been disturbed by a deeper lying agent of disease.This state presents itself as symptoms but should not be mistaken as the cause or basis of the disease.  The source lies beyond the symptoms and is not material in nature.

These are his words:

“When someone is in good health or balance, life energy is flowing and presided over that person, keeping him wonderfully intact. As seen in a marvelous harmony of feelings and activities. When this is the case,  the spirit is free to work through a healthy body and fulfill its ultimate purpose.”

A Miasm is an invisible polluting substance, which, once it gains entrance, can overpower the vital force and effect  the entire system. Each Miasm creates a weakness or a tendency to a particular group of diseases.

There are 5 original miasms based on the 5 epidemics. Psora is the first which was the scabies “itch”, gonorrhea, tuberculosis, syphilis and cancer.  We inherit this unresolved energy from our ancestors through our DNA. We often have more than one. Or we can acquire the Miasm after coming in contact with them while in a susceptible state. The Miasm is like a seed, and in order to sprout and grow, it needs the right soil. That soil could be prolonged emotional, spiritual,  physical or nutritional stress, as well as a sudden shock or trauma. A serious acute infection or accident can trigger the Miasm to expand and grow. When it does it can appear to take on a life of its own, as the individual begins expressing the activated hereditary information.

Each Miasm contains certain tendencies and express themselves in particular ways. They can manifest more on the mental or emotional level and in others more physically. A trained homeopath can determine which Miasm is most active and use remedies to clear that energy so it no longer impacts a person’s health.

At different times different layers of Miasm come up in order to be healed. They rise and fall in intensity and impact, depending on many factors in our internal and external world. As we work with these layers of consciousness and release our ancestral past, we support the deeper collective healing process. If I clear what I’ve inherited it clears this for future generations. I can do it for all my relations.

The underlying Miasm determines how and why each person reacts to life’s challenges the way they do. Aging reveals our miasmic burdens as the life force diminishes. Miasms explain why one person will develop certain tendencies and symptoms over others.

A homeopathic principle is to treat “like with like” and not fight against the disease process. The indicated remedies treat by stimulating the Vital Force to respond, mobilize and create change.

Biological Medicine

At the heart of this expanded view of treatment and preventative medicine is the application of post-Einsteinian concepts of modern physics to medicine.


Homeopathy is a therapeutic system that utilizes minute amounts of botanical, mineral, and other substances to stimulate the body’s vital force.


Zoologist, bacteriologist and cancer researcher Dr. Gunther Enderlein’s work has affirmed man’s engagement with microbes to be consistent with the rest of Nature.