We integrate systems and tools from both the East and West to provide you with the opportunity to truly take responsibility for changing your life and your health.
Illness can be seen as a path back to wholeness. Our emphasis is always upon empowering the individual to activate the inner healing potential that exists in everyone. Our goal is to provide you with information and treatment from time-tested traditions so that you can make choices that are appropriate and effective for you. We have learned from experience that the essence of true holistic medicine is the individualization of treatment. We place an emphasis on this as we evaluate and treat each person.
Balance is our natural state of being, Chinese Medicine and Biological Medicine allow you, the individual, to realign with your own innate wholeness and underlying perfection. The body/mind has the ability to heal and regulate itself when provided with the proper support. The insight and information provided through consultations, evaluation, classes, and treatment will help you understand and transform your health by working at the root cause of illness.

The Self Heal Center provides tools, education, resources, and support for you to utilize and explore on your journey back to health.
Vanessa Morgan L.Ac
Diplomate of Homeopathy, Diplomate of Acupuncture, Licensed Acupuncturist
When I was 17 years old I became fascinated with plants and started to use them as food and medicine. It was 1973 and there were few opportunities to study medical herbalism in the United States. Thankfully, a friend told me about a Mohawk woman, Norma Meyers, on Vancouver Island who had a school, so I traveled there to meet her. I spent 9 months living in her attic, surrounded by baskets of drying herbs and when I left Alert Bay I was firmly planted on my life path. To study and practice natural medicine in its many forms. I became a massage therapist, Jin Shin Practitioner, along with earning a degree from The British Institute of Homeopathy.
In the late 80s I graduated from the Oriental Medical Institute, an acupuncture school in Hawaii, and then traveled to China, as an intern, to study in a university hospital. I was immersed in a truly integrated system that included traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture, and herbs alongside a modern medical approach.
As I established a clinical practice, my interests turned to European Biological Medicine after I was introduced to EAV testing, a non invasive screening tool to assess the energetic function of all organs and Systems. That lead me to Germany to incorporate Neural Therapy, Dark Field Microscopy, pleomorphism and how to treat the microbiome.
I lived in London England for 12 years and was able to further my education, as well as develop and teach my own integrated perspective on the modern application of the Miasm Theory. This was developed by Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of Homeopathy.
Throughout my career, I’ve lectured and taught in the US, Canada, UK, Ireland and Germany on a wide range of topics including clinical nutrition, herbal medicine,homeopathy, EAV testing , Chinese Medicine , Darkfield Microscopy and Shamanism. ( See my complete CV for specific details)
I lived in Durango, Colorado in from 2016-2020 and established my practice at The Self Heal Center for Natural Healing, where I offered treatment and consultation globally and locally. I moved to northern New Mexico in 2020 where I continue to educate individuals interested in this approach, as well as support those needing immune system and long haul recovery from the last few years.