
Health consumers and parents are becoming aware that the potential dangers (aluminum toxicity) of vaccinations may outweigh the long accepted benefits.

As early as 1984, Dr. Richard Moskowitz wrote in his article, ‘The Case Against Immunization’ (first printed in the Journal of the American Inst. of Homeopathy), “the customary assumption that the historical decline (of disease) is attributable to the vaccines remains unproven, and continues to be seriously questioned by eminent authorities in the field.” 

While there has been a general reduction in the overall incidences of vaccinated diseases, the protection afforded may not be as complete as many assume. In the 1980’s, a famous measles epidemic in Dade county occurred in which most cases children had already been vaccinated.  There was no difference in the occurrence between vaccinated and unvaccinated children.  In 1983-84, a whooping cough outbreak in England that was thought to be due to a largely unprotected (unvaccinated) and susceptible population. 

At the time, parents had stopped having their children vaccinated when diseases were rare.  Also, homeopathy was commonly discussed in the press as an alternative to immunization.  In 1981, statistics showed within seven days of receiving one whooping cough vaccine, every 1 out of 300,000 children suffered a serious neurological illness.  When the full course of three injections was administered, that figure increased to 1 in 100,000.

Today, few people are unaware of the dangers that came with the smallpox vaccine.  It is recognized by most authorities now that mass vaccination was ineffective to prevent the disease. 

The dangers were hidden when the epidemic occurred.  In recent years, people united against the planned, mandatory Avian Flu vaccine.  Through to the internet, people learned about highly suspect vaccine ingredients.  The vaccine was very quickly abandoned by authorities.  Parents want to learn safer and more effective ways to prevent illness other than vaccines.  An answer to this dilemma is to stimulate the body’s defense systems.  Homeopathy is perhaps the best way.

Growing concern about vaccinations has stimulated an interest in safe alternatives to immunization.  Since the allopathic method of immunizations is in fact a crude form of homeopathy, many parents have chosen to utilize this method for their safety and the safety of their children.  Since Dr. Eiziaga successfully prevented a cholera epidemic in Argentina, it was demonstrated that homeopathy is capable of stimulating the immune system to prevent those epidemics from occurring.

One of the challenges a Biological practitioner faces is removing the “obstacles to cure.”  Through the use of EAV Testing and ART Testing, the negative impact from the current vaccination program (toxicity, suppression of the immune system and the activation of hereditary miasms) must be treated and removed in order for the patient to regain health. is an excellent site for answering questions and providing the latest research regarding the issue.  The Thinktwice Global Vaccine Institute was established in 1996 to provide parents and other concerned people with educational resources enabling them to make more informed vaccine decisions.  Thinktwice encourages an uncensored exchange of vaccine information and supports every family’s right to accept or reject vaccines.

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Adverse effects of childhood vaccines

A four-part article (Research Reviews) from July 2008 on Immunology & Homeopathy

See articles on Autism

What They Don’t Tell You About Vaccination Dangers Can Kill You or Ruin Your Life

By Russell L. Blaylock, M.D. of Advanced Nutritional Concepts, LLC

After thirty years of intensive research, a lot has been learned about how brain cells work and what goes wrong when disease arises.  One of the great enigmas has been the connection between vaccinations and certain brain disorders such as:

  • Autism


  • Gulf War Syndrome

  • More common neurodegenerative diseases (Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s dementia and ALS)

As we learned more about how brain cells should work, we discovered that during a normal biological processes, such as metabolism, there can be an accumulation of free radicals.  Free radicals, basically, are very reactive particles that bounce all around the cell damaging everything they touch. Most originate during the process of metabolism but can also arise from toxin exposure, irradiation and toxic metals. 

Free radicals have the capacity to destroy brain cells.  Because they are so destructive, cells have a network of defenses designed to neutralize them in the form of an antioxidant network, composed of components that include vitamins, minerals and special chemicals called thiols (glutathione and alpha-lipoic acid).

What Causes the Free Radicals

The idea that free radicals play a major role has been proven in the conditions listed above.  The big question is why are so many free radicals being generated?  In the cases of autism, ADD and ADHD many came to support the idea that mercury, a vaccine ingredient, was the source of the free radicals.  It had been known that mercury could cause free radicals to generate in large numbers within the brain. 

The evidence which connects mercury to autism, neurodegeneration and the Gulf War Syndrome is strong, but not exclusive.  Interestingly, these diseases also share another common event, over-activation of a portion of the immune system.  It is important to appreciate that only a certain part of the immune system is over-active, because other parts, such as cellular immunity, are diminished.  There are some instances with the childhood disorders that the problem is congenital.  In others it (***what is ‘it?’, free radicals?***)develops as a result of many factors such as aging, toxin exposure, poor nutrition and excessive vaccination itself. Mercury can impair immune function as well.

How Vaccines are Made

Basically, vaccines contain either viruses, bacteria, germ components, toxic extracts or live organisms.  They were made less virulent through a process called attenuation.  To stimulate an enhanced immune reaction against these organisms, manufacturers added powerful immune-stimulating substances (squalene, aluminum, and lipopolysaccharide), called immune adjuvants. 

The vaccination process usually requires repeated injections of the vaccine over a predetermined amount of time.  The combination of adjuvants plus the intended organism triggers an immune response by the body, similar to what happens with a natural occurring infection, with the exception of one major difference.  Almost none of these diseases enter the body by injection.  Most enter via the mucous membranes of the nose, mouth, pulmonary passages or GI tract. 

For example, polio is known to enter via the GI tract.  The membranes lining these passages contain a different immune system than when activated by a direct injection.  This system is called the IgA immune system.  It is the first line of defense and helps reduce the need for intense activation of the body’s immune system.  The IgA system can often head off an attack on its own.  The point made here is that injecting organisms to induce immunity is abnormal.  Because more and more reports are citing vaccine failure, the vaccine manufacturers’ answer is to increase the vaccine’s potency.  They do this by making the immune adjuvants more powerful or adding more of them. 

The problem with this approach is that in the very young, nutritionally deficient and elder populations, over-stimulating the immune system can have an opposite effect.  It can paralyze the immune system.  This is especially prevalent for people having nutritional deficiency.  An early attempt to vaccinate Africans was met with disaster when it was discovered that many were dying following vaccination.  The problem was traced to widespread vitamin A deficiency among the tribes. 

Once the malnutrition was corrected, death rates fell precipitously.  Another problem we see with modern vaccines is that immune stimulation continues over a prolonged period.  This is because of the immune adjuvants.  They remain in the tissues and constantly stimulate immune-activating cells.  With most natural infections, immune activation occurs rapidly.  Once the infection is under control, it drops precipitously.  This, as we shall see, is to prevent excessive damage to normal cells in the body.

What Happens to the Brain With Vaccination?

It seems the brain is always neglected when pharmacologists consider side effects of various drugs.  The same is true for vaccinations.  For a long time, no one considered the effect repeated vaccinations can have on the brain. 

This was based on a mistaken conclusion that the brain was protected from immune activation by its special protective gateway called the blood-brain barrier.  Recent studies have shown that immune cells can enter the brain directly.  More importantly, the brain’s immune system can be activated by vaccination.  You see, the brain has a special immune system that operates through a unique type of cell called a microglia. 

These tiny cells lie dormant and are scattered throughout the brain waiting to be activated.  In fact, they can be quite easy to activate by many types of stimuli.  For this discussion, activation of the body’s immune system by vaccination is a most important stimuli for activation of brain microglia. (***you don’t say what will happen when microglia are activated*** This sentence does not make sense to the reader.  You state activation but don’t list the effects****)

Numerous studies have shown that when the body’s immune system is activated, the brain’s immune cells become activated too.  The greater the stimulation of the body’s immune system, the brain will have a stronger reaction.  Prolonged activation of the body’s immune system prolongs activation of the brain’s immune system.  Therein lies the danger of our present vaccine policy. 

The American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Academy of Family Practice have both endorsed a growing list of vaccines for children, newborns, as well as yearly flu shots for both children and adults.  Children can receive as many as twenty two inoculations before attending school.

What Happens When the Brain’s Immune System is Activated?

Once the brain’s immune system cells are activated they begin to move about the nervous system.  They secrete immune chemicals called cytokines and chemokines, and pour out an enormous quantity of free radicals to kill invading organisms. 

The problem is, there are no invading organisms.  The brain cells have been tricked by the vaccine into believing there is an invasion.  Unlike the body’s immune system, the microglia secrete two additional chemicals that are very destructive to brain cells and their connecting processes.  These chemicals are glutamate and quinolinic acid, are classified as excitotoxins.  They also dramatically increase free radical generation in the brain.  Studies of patients have shown that levels of these excitotoxins can rise to very dangerous levels in the brain following viral and bacterial infections of the brain.

Direct Effect of the Cytokines

Various cytokines have been used to treat cancer patients as well as other common diseases. Studies of the effects of these cytokines on brain function reveal some very close parallels to the diseases we have been discussing. For a more in-depth study of these effects, I suggest you read my articles in the Journal of the American Nutriceutical Association (volume 6 [fall], Number 4, 2003, pp 21-35) and in the summer issue 2004 of the Journal of the American Association of Physicians and Surgeons.

One can see:

  • Confusion

  • Language difficulties

  • Disorientation

  • Seizures

  • Memory problems

  • Somnolence

  • Low-grade fevers

  • Irritability

  • Mood alterations

  • Combativeness

  • Difficulty concentrating

  • A host of other behavioral problems

In the child, brain immune over-activation has been shown to be particularly damaging to the amygdala and other limbic structures of the brain.  This can lead to unusual syndromes such as the loss of “theory of mind” (***as the loss of “theory and mind” or do you mean to say such as “theory of mind?  “as the loss doesn’t make sense***) and “Alice in Wonderland Syndrome.”  Over-activation has also been shown to damage the executive functions of the frontal lobes.  In essence, what is lost is the ability to function as social human beings, with the inability to function in a complex world full of ideas and interactions.

Several studies have shown elevated levels of cytokines in autistic children.  It is also interesting to note that these cytokines, especially interleukin-1ß and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-a), dramatically increase the damage produced by excitotoxins.  So, what we see is a viscous cycle of immune activation, excitotoxin and cytokine excretion, and free radical production. The latter starts the cycle all over again.

The Role of Autoimmunity and Viral Persistence

Studies in autistic children have shown there is immune attack occurring in the brain.  Similar findings are seen with neurodegenerative diseases and the Gulf War Syndrome.  It must be appreciated that this autoimmunity was triggered by the vaccinations and by organisms contaminating the vaccinations.  Once started, the immune reaction cannot stop, thus triggering all the destructive reactions I have discussed.  Dr. Garth Nicolson has shown a direct connection between mycoplasma contamination of vaccines and a two hundred percent increase in the incidence of ALS in Gulf War veterans.  The disorder is produced by the same mechanism described above.

An even more common problem is the use of live viruses in vaccines.  The reason live viruses can be used is that they are weakened by passing them through a series of cultures, a process called attenuation.  These attenuated, non-disease-causing viruses are then injected in hopes of stimulating the body to produce an immune attack.  The problem with this idea is two-fold. First, we now know that in far too many cases these viruses escape the immune system and take up residence in the body for one’s lifetime.  A recent autopsy study of elderly individuals found that twenty percent of the brains and forty-five percent of other organs contained live measles viruses.  Similar findings have been described in autistic children.  The measles virus is identical genetically to the one used in the vaccine.  The second problem is that most of these viruses were found to be highly mutated.  In fact, different mutations were found among viruses in various organs within the same individual. This has been kept secret from the public.

These attenuated viruses undergo mutation brought on by the presence of free radicals in the tissues and organs and they can mutate into virulent, disease-causing organisms.  Recent studies have confirmed this frightening finding.  In fact, a large percentage of Alzheimer’s disease patients have live viruses in their brain compared to normal individuals. 

Once these viruses are injected, they cannot be removed. Once in the body, they will be under constant free radical exposure, which can increase during times of stress, illness, exercise and with aging.  The free radicals are what cause the virus to mutate.  Essentially, the viruses that are in the brain or organs can either silently and slowly bring about the destruction of the brain and/or spinal cord or produce rapid onset disease once the virus mutates to a highly lethal form.


We have seen that the policy of giving numerous vaccinations to individuals, especially infants and small children, is often harmful. A considerable number of studies have shown conclusively that such a practice can lead to severe injury to the brain by numerous mechanisms. Because the child’s brain undergoes a period of rapid growth from the third trimester of pregnancy until age two years, the brain is at considerable risk from this insane policy.

We have also seen that live-virus vaccines and contaminated vaccines hold a special risk in that the viruses tend to persist in a substantial number of individuals and that free radicals can cause the latent viruses to transform by genetic mutation into disease causing organisms later in life.

It is vital that anyone scheduled for vaccination follow a schedule that allows no more than one vaccine every six months, allowing the immune system time to recover.

Live-virus vaccines should be avoided.

This was recently illustrated by the switch from the live polio vaccine to the killed virus.  All cases of polio after the introduction of the vaccine, in the developed world, came from the vaccine itself.  This was known from the beginning.

Finally, it is vital that anyone undergoing vaccination should start nutritional supplementation and adhere to a healthy diet before vaccination occurs.  Vaccine complications are far fewer in individuals with good nutrition.