As we know, everything begins with energy and the invisible forces of life that are known as Heavenly Chi in Chinese Medicine. This life force is foundational and fundamental to anything that manifests. Our bodies are created from this Vital Essence. The physical world is an expression and final manifestation of what this energy has created. Because matter is born from energy, the current state of your health conditions and disease begins in this non physical realm.
Treatment of The Eight Extraordinary Vessels provides a way to regulate, balance, reorganize and redirect this energy as it forms into matter. Previously treatment on this level has been provided in person by a trained acupuncturist. Since the pandemic I have noticed a severe depletion in many patients in their Kidney Essence and what is called Jing that has created an obstacle to complete recovery.
We can work to create change and healing once things have manifested (which we refer to as the Branch) by changing our diet, cleansing, using herbs, remedies and other physical modalities. But it is much more efficient, and now even more necessary, to go to the Root and work with the Invisible. We need to change the energy that creates these physical limitations and problems.
In order to meet the ongoing demands on our health I’m offering a program that will teach and guide you through a deep healing process. Join me for a free Zoom presentation on Tuesday, November 14, to get all the details about this ancient system of realignment.