Are you ready to HEAL YOURSELF?

In this 10 week online program you will learn the Taoist and Classical Chinese Medicine perspective of how energy creates matter through the Eight Extraordinary Vessels. You will learn several ways  to balance, heal and maintain these life giving reservoirs of Chi that create and maintain you.

This course was designed to support you on your journey to discover and heal your energy systems. It will guide you through a restoring, rebuilding, rebooting and re-balancing of your Eight Extraordinary Vessels. These important Channels create, restore and maintain balance throughout all of your organs and systems. Assessing and addressing the Eight Vessels is a very deep level of treatment related to your pre-Heavenly Chi and how it affects your basic constitution, post Heavenly Chi. This will give you the tools and understanding so you can heal yourself. It will also give you a way to maintain your health, once balance is restored.

We invite you to this weekly online course starting Wednesday, September 4-November 6 th from 6-8pm Mountain time.

As we know, everything begins with energy and the invisible forces of life that are known as Heavenly Chi in Chinese Medicine. This life force is foundational and fundamental to anything that manifests. Our bodies are created from this Vital Essence. The physical world is an expression and final manifestation of what this energy has created. Because matter is born from energy, the current state of your health begins in this non physical realm.


This program is offered in 3 formats: Group, Individual, or Self Guided

What's included in this program:

  1. Weekly or bi-weekly meetings on Zoom to receive training and support

  2. A Manual - Your guide to each vessel, its indications, function, point combinations, treatment strategies and point locations.

  3. Videos that instruct and demonstrate all point locations

  4. An experienced practitioner and community to support your healing

Watch the 8 Vessels Presentation Replay Below to Learn More

Self Guided Course - Available April, 2024

Guided Group Course - Next Group Class Begins September 4th, 2024


Individual Course - 1:1 with Vanessa


8 Extra Vessels Testimonials 

 “This has been such a beautiful introduction to Chinese medicine. I’ve never explored it before and the beauty and the depth of your words has been a healing experience. It’s like learning a language that will help me go on and keep discovering more about life and myself and how energy works. I have loved the timing of this program, I’ve been able to slow down, be present, and really feel what the treatments are doing. It’s been great to take the time to do this for myself and it’s going to be with me forever.  I’m really grateful.”

“I have loved the program. It has coincided with a radical transformational time of my life. I know I’m going to be working with these materials for a long time. It has been a wonderful, enlightening, exciting program that has opened so many things for me to think about and new pathways to explore.”

 “One of the things I have really appreciated about what you’re doing is putting tools into our own hands, to trust and live from who we are. It’s getting to the root and not just chasing symptoms around. I’ve noticed many improvements in my health. I feel like I can apply it on my own in a way that works for me. Through the treatments I went into a very deep yin healing state and could feel my body pushing and moving things out. It has been good to re-discover places within myself and things I’ve lost from chronic illness. I feel hopeful- to feel myself again and to begin to pick up and begin to create again feels really good. There’s so much in each video to keep reviewing and learning.”