
All life on earth relies upon the action of microorganisms. 

Zoologist, bacteriologist and cancer researcher Dr. Gunther Enderlein’s work has affirmed man’s engagement with microbes to be consistent with the rest of Nature.

The successful worldwide clinical application of his Isopathic remedies has created a renewed interest in his original research and the pleomorphic concepts on which these unique preparations are formulated.

Based on the fact that there are no unchanging organisms in nature, Dr. Enderlein scientifically demonstrated the reality of pleomorphism.

Enderlein wrote “Bacterial Cyclogeny”, published in 1925, in addition to over 500 scientific papers. He was the foremost proponent of Pleomorphism (Pleo=many; morph= form). This is the ability of microbes to change into many varied forms, in a developmental cycle. They can progress from microscopic particles to bacteria and culminate as fungi. Pleomorphism provides a much more complete view than monomorphism, the foundation of modern medicine. Where each micro-organism is seen to exist in one fixed, separate and therefore identifiable form.

Symbiosis is the key to health. For Enderlein, health was understood as a state of symbiotic balance. Symbiosis means life together. This ecological concept describes a situation where two or more organisms live together for mutual benefit. The environmental conditions within the body’s terrain influence whether the microbes become symbiotic or pathogenic. Diseases are a state of dysbiosis due to the degenerative activity of microbes, manifesting in various forms in the blood and body tissues. By using a dark field microscope, he was able to observe in a drop of live blood, the underlying microbial processes at play in degenerative chronic diseases. Enderlein discovered not only the pathogenic role of Candida albicans in its fungal phase but also other microbes, even more fundamental for disease and health: Mucor Racemosus and Aspergillus Niger.

In their primitive phases these “Endobionts” (life within), function as regulatory agents, except when they begin to develop into higher phases, eventually becoming virulent parasites that congest the body and produce poisonous metabolic wastes.

Dr. Enderlein held that this movement formed the basis for all chronic diseases.  With respect to blood, the higher in development the Endobiont rises, the more the over-acidification of the blood increases.  His prescription is straightforward: restore the body’s internal environment to the original primitive phases with respect to its microorganisms.

Enderlein’s other major discovery revealed a way of assisting the body‘s natural self healing process with potentized isopathic remedies. These transform pathogenic microbes into harmless forms that can be excreted by the body. This way of maintaining symbiosis, has now developed into a full system of biological healing practiced today by practitioners throughout the world. Enderlein used a natural approach to help promote an inner environment that would sustain a symbiotic microbial flora.

Microbial Systems permeate all of life- soil, plants, animals and humans.

Integrating an Enderleinian view of health, which allows genuine ecological balancing and regeneration to occur, is vital for the future of humankind.